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Debriefing for real-world learning: It’s not just for simulations any more

EMS Debriefing

While the popular myth is that everyone learns from experience, we all know people who can pass through experience without ever learning a thing. We now know that real learning comes from effective reflection on real-life and simulated experiences. This session will provide you the tools to use for effective reflection and enhanced learning from any situation. These include GAS, Plus Delta, and the important Debrief Diamond. These tools are crucial for any emergency services leader, educator or provider for continuous performance improvement.

Teaching Formats:


-Case studies

-Question and Answer

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • Appreciate the importance of reflection to experiential learning.
  • Understand the function of each step of the debriefing process.
  • Apply debriefing tools to a variety of applications in a variety of contexts.

To speak to Rom about this topic or to have this presentation delivered for your organization, click here.