Super Sick Kids: The Surprising Truth about Pediatric Septic Shock
In the United States each year approximately 75,00 children develop severe sepsis, approximately 6,800 of whom will die. Many of these cases may include missed or delayed diagnosis. As an EMS provider you play a decisive role in the identification and early treatment of these critically ill children. This program will show EMS providers how to identify, assess, and begin treatment for pediatric patients with sepsis as well as how to coordinate care with emergency department and critical care staff. This program is intended for both advanced and basic providers whether working or not your EMS system currently has formal sepsis alert protocols. Learn the latest updates and take home the knowledge of how you can make the biggest difference for our littlest patients.
Teaching Formats:
-Question and Answer
-Case Study
Learning Objectives: Students will be able to:
-Identify infection related triggers for sepsis and septic shock.
-Identify the key physiological indicators of pediatric sepsis.
-Recognize and assess pediatric victims of sepsis.
-Provide appropriate pre-hospital treatment and coordination with in-hospital staff for pediatric victims of sepsis.