Clinical Skills
Presenting a wide variety of clinical programs for both in-hospital and EMS healthcare providers, Rom’s energetic style blends humor, practical experience, and the latest research for programs you won’t soon forget.
- Airway & Breathing
- Airway Of Choice: What Is The Role Of Endotracheal Intubation In EMS Airway Management?
- Difficult Airway Management: Better Decisions Under Adverse Conditions
- Advanced Practices for “Basic” Ventilation: More effective uses for fundamental tools
- O2 – Oh No! You’ve (probably) been managing ventilation wrong
- A Bag of Hot Air: Understanding gas exchange is improving patient care
- Medical
- Anaphylaxis – They never taught me that! Critical updates for life-threatening emergencies.
- Innovations and Advances in Stroke Care: Out of the hospital and into the field.
- Improving EMS Stroke Care: New Models for Saving Patients’ Life’s.
- M. I. Missing Cardiac Patients? The EMTs Guide to Acute Coronary Syndromes
- The Top 10 Cardiac Resuscitation Headlines: And Why You Have To Read Past Them For The Real Story
- The Most Important Vital Sign: 20 Things EMS Can Do With Capnography
- It’s NOT Always Sepsis: A common-sense approach for ALS and BLS providers
- Patient Care Hand Over: Mission Critical Communications and “The Bermuda Triangle of Healthcare”
- Trauma
- MARCH’ing Towards Death: Myth Busting & Innovations In Trauma Care
- EMS and TBI: Immediate Field Care for High-Impact Injuries
- Extrication and EMS: Coordinating Team Delivery of Critical Care
- Designer Drug Evolution: Managing Uncontrolled Patients On Controlled Substances
- Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome: Scromiting and the Anti-Munchies
- Squeeze Play: Crush Injury, Crush Syndrome, and Suspension Trauma
- Stopping the Trauma Triad of Death: What you don’t know might kill them
- HOT Controversies in Traumatic Cardiac Arrest: What do the experts say?
- The Top 10 Trauma Myths and Legends: Seeking the science beyond the textbooks
- Peds & Geriatrics
- Prehospital Pediatric Problems: A systematic assessment for children and infants
- Pediatric Cardiac Arrest: What we get wrong. How we can do better
- Tots “Too Hot!” – The Cute, The Bad and The Ugly of Pediatric Fever
- Super Sick Kids: The Surprising Truth about Pediatric Septic Shock
- Stroke in the Very Young: Big numbers for little people.
- The ABC’s of Geriatrics: A Focus on Fundamentals to Prevent Cardiac Arrest
- The Silent Majority: Geriatrics in the New Millennium.
- It Takes All Kinds: Trauma Care in Special Populations