MARCH’ing Towards Death: Myth Busting & Innovations In Trauma Care
Much of what we’ve been taught in trauma care from the “ABC’s”, to “raising patients legs”, to “giving oxygen can’t hurt” we now know to be wrong. As providers we’re left with the questions “Why?”, “When did this happen?”, and “What should we do now?” Answering these questions and more this presentation busts major trauma myths, looks forward to coming trauma innovations, and explains the all-important “Trauma Triad of Death”
Teaching Formats:
-Student Centered Activities
-Question and Answer
Learning Objectives: Students will learn:
- How to rapidly identify and assess a critically injured trauma patient.
- How to prioritize and provide care for the five primary causes of death in victims of trauma.
- The actions and interrelations of hypothermia, hypocoagulation (including DIC) and acidosis, the three components of the Trauma Triad of Death.
- How to integrate new and evolving treatment solutions involving bleeding control, fluid replacement and patient stabilization to reduce sequelae from injury and improve overall patient outcome.