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Squeeze Play: Crush Injury, Crush Syndrome, and Suspension Trauma


Pinned in a car for 4 hours, trapped in a building collapse for 12, fallen on the floor for 24, immobile in a rescue harness for 10 minutes. Each of these patients may be experiencing different, but deadly aspects of crush injury, crush syndrome, rhabdomyolysis or suspension trauma. Why are some victims okay when trapped, but when we rescue them, they die? Where do field amputations come in to play? What protocols do you need in place to deal with them? Real-world case-studies bring this presentation to life as it answers these questions and more by bringing you evidence based best practices, model protocols, and resources that you can use to treat these high-pressure and high-profile patients.

Teaching Formats:


-Case Studies

-Question and Answer

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • Identify crush injury, crush syndrome, suspension trauma and injuries consistent with rhabdomyolysis.
  • Utilize model pre-hospital protocols for advanced care for victims of crush injury, crush syndrome, rhabdomyolysis and suspension trauma.
  • Understand the criteria and necessary resources to employ amputations.
  • Integrate with trauma systems of care to provide crush injury, crush syndrome and suspension trauma patients with the best chance of outcome.

To speak to Rom about this topic or to have this presentation delivered for your organization, click here.