JEMS Publishes National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE) Position Paper Calling for Better Sepsis Education for EMS
National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE) Position Paper Calls for More Consistent and Improved Sepsis Education for EMS
I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to be the lead author on the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE) Position Paper On Sepsis Education Standards For EMS with Dr. Chris Nollette, Dr. Bill Reynovich, and Kevin Collopy.
As a member of the Advisory Board for the Sepsis Alliance I get the opportunity to voice my opinion as an EMS provider on sepsis clinical recommendations, resources, and education materials intended for all members of the continuum of care. It’s a chance not only to improve care for victims of sepsis and their families, but also to raise awareness of the clinical and professional capabilities of prehospital care providers.
As the project progressed, I learned a ton from my co-authors. They were very generous with their expertise. Their insistence on asking me tough questions and challenging my thought process made me a better writer, evaluator of research, and in the end I think a better clinician.
I hope you take a look at this paper. It’s not that long. I hope it adds to your knowledge and understanding not only of sepsis, and the importance of continually evaluating needs in EMS (and indeed in all) clinical education.
Thanks to Ryan Kelly and AJ Heightman of Journal of Emergency Medical Services (JEMS) for publishing it.